1. Data identifying the owner

The ownership of this website, Ms Lola Spanish, is held by: Lola Gómez Carmona (hereinafter Ms Lola Spanish), with NIF 50178810.

Contact details:
(+34) 616 959 478

This document (as well as all other documents mentioned herein) regulates the conditions governing the use of the Ms Lola Spanish website and the purchase or acquisition of services on it. For the purposes of these Conditions, it is understood that the activity that Lola Gómez Carmona carries out through the Website includes the performance of the following services: Online classes

In addition to reading these Conditions, before accessing, browsing and/or using this website, the user must have read the Legal Notice and the General Conditions of Use, including the cookies policy and the privacy and data protection policy.

By using this Website or by making and/or requesting the purchase of a service through this Website you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and all of the above and if you do not agree to all of the above, you should not use this Website.

We also inform you that these Conditions may be modified. The User is responsible for consulting them each time he/she accesses, browses and/or uses the Website, as those in force at the time the purchase of the services is requested will be applicable.

For all questions that the User may have in relation to the Conditions, he/she can contact the owner using the contact details provided above or by using the contact form.

2. The user

Access, browsing and use of the Website confers the condition of user, and as such, from the moment browsing the Website begins, all the Conditions established herein are accepted, as well as any subsequent modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legal regulations that must be complied with according to each case. The User assumes responsibility for the correct use of the Website. This responsibility shall extend to:

  • Use this Website only to make legally valid enquiries and purchases or acquisitions.
  • Not to make any false or fraudulent purchases.
  • Provide truthful and lawful contact details, e.g. email address, postal address and/or other details.

The User declares that he/she is over 18 years of age and has the legal capacity to enter into contracts through this Website.

3. Object

The purpose of these conditions is to regulate the contractual terms for the provision of the Services and the consideration due by the user to Ms Lola Spanish, as well as the use of the Service by the user. The provision of the Services will be carried out through the procurement, provision, organisation, use and management by Ms Lola Spanish of the technical, human and operational resources necessary for this purpose and, always and in any case, as consideration for the prices in force at any time.

The commercial conditions of this service and the offers that may be made by Ms Lola Spanish always appear on the Ms Lola Spanish website, so they can be consulted, archived or printed.

Ms Lola Spanish provides users with a variety of services: Online classes

The content and scope of the services are governed by the respective contractual agreements, furthermore, exclusively in accordance with the functionalities of the service described in the conclusion of the contract at Ms Lola Spanish.

4. Conditions of access and purchase

Access to the Ms Lola Spanish Portal is free and attributes to the user the condition of User, regardless of the subsequent use of the services offered.

The User must register in order to purchase in our shop by filling out a form, which will involve assigning personal credentials consisting of a unique identifier (which will be the email address) and a password, whose conservation and custody will depend exclusively on the User, who must operate with them with due diligence. Therefore, do not use other keys that are not yours, in order to impersonate other users in the use of Ms Lola Spanish.

The acquisition of services in Ms Lola Spanish can only be made by users over eighteen (18) years, who must follow the steps and instructions that accompany the entire purchase process, consisting, but not limited to:

(i) Completion of the registration form or identification form for previously registered users;

(ii) Viewing on screen the summary of the order;

(iii) Acceptance of the purchase conditions, which implies the reading, understanding and irrevocable acceptance of each and every one of the present General Conditions, as well as, if applicable, of the existing Particular Conditions.

5. Prices

The prices indicated in the website. Prices may be revised by Ms Lola Spanish.


Payments are always made in advance, either when you book the class or when you buy a package of 10 or 20 classes.

A Teacher or a student may cancel or reschedule any scheduled  Lesson at any time more than 24 hours before such Teacher Service is scheduled to start. Canceling or rescheduling a Teacher Service must be handled through the apps and followed by the cancellation and rescheduling process. You can reschedule the class. However, the classes are not reimbursed.

Except in the rare case of true emergencies, it may be canceled or rescheduled by a Teacher or Student within 24 hours of the start time for such Teacher Service..

7. Payment method

The accepted means of payment are:

Paypal and Revolut.

Bank transfer to the bank account with IBAN  nº ES18 2085 8019 4703 3035 at the bank Ibercaja

8. Right of withdrawal

The user may exercise the right of withdrawal from this Contract without the need for justification or penalty, only in cases in which each and every one of the following requirements are met:

  • the user is considered a consumer or user as defined by current legislation on the Defence of Consumers and Users;
  • the services have not been performed.

For this purpose, a consumer or user is considered to be a natural person acting for purposes other than their trade, business, trade or profession.

The user shall not have the right of withdrawal in those cases in which he/she cannot be classified as a consumer. Nor shall it be applicable, in accordance with the exceptions set out in current legislation, such as:

  • services that have been fully implemented;
  • they are customised services based on user specifications;
  • services for the provision of digital content;
  • accommodation services for purposes other than housing, transport of goods, car rental, food or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a specific date or period of performance.

9. Customer service

Ms Lola Spanish has a customer service so that the user can manage their claims, doubts, or can request guarantees and execute the right of withdrawal.

The user can address their complaints, claims or requests for information to the Customer Service of Ms Lola Spanish, using any of the following ways: – By sending an e-mail to – By filling in the form available in the “Contact” section.

All doubts and especially complaints and suggestions will be dealt with as quickly as possible, without exceeding in any case the deadlines established by current legislation.

Likewise, you will have proof of the same by means of the delivery of a written receipt, on paper or any other durable medium.

10.Protection of personal data

Lola Gómez Carmona, is responsible for the processing of the user’s personal data and informs you that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, for which you are provided with the following processing information:

Purpose of processing:

To maintain a commercial relationship with the user.

Data collected:

The personal data collected on this site are as follows:

  • Account opening: when creating the user’s account, name, surname, telephone number, postal address,
  • Login: when the user connects to the website, he/she registers, in particular, his/her surname, first name, access data, usage data, location and payment data.
  • Profile: the use of the services provided on the website allows you to enter a profile, which may include an address and telephone number.
  • Payment: as part of the payment for the services offered on the website, financial data relating to the user’s bank account or credit card are recorded.
  • Communication: when the website is used to communicate with other members, data relating to the user’s communications is temporarily stored.
  • Cookies: Cookies are used when the site is used. The user has the possibility to disable cookies from the settings of his browser.

Use of personal data

The purpose of the personal data collected from users is to make the services of the website available to them, to improve them and to maintain a secure environment. More specifically, the uses are as follows:

  • access and use of the website by the user;
  • management of the operation and optimisation of the website;
  • organisation of the conditions of use of the Paid Services;
  • verification, identification and authentication of the data transmitted by the user;
  • offering the user the possibility of communicating with other users of the website;
  • implementation of user assistance;
  • personalisation of services by displaying advertisements based on the user’s browsing history, according to their preferences;
  • fraud prevention and detection, malware (malicious software) and security incident management;
  • management of possible conflicts with users;
  • sending commercial and advertising information, according to the user’s preferences.

Sharing personal data with third parties

Personal data may be shared with third parties in the following cases:

  • when the user uses payment services, for the implementation of these services, the website is in contact with third party banking and financial institutions with which it has concluded contracts;
  • when the user publishes publicly accessible information in the free comment areas of the website;
  • where the user authorises a third party website to access his or her data;
  • where the website uses the services of service providers to provide user support, advertising and payment services. These service providers have limited access to user data, in the context of providing these services, and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable personal data protection regulations;
  • if required by law, the website may transmit data in order to file complaints against the website and to comply with administrative and judicial procedures;

Security and confidentiality

The website applies organisational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorised access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and that the website cannot guarantee the security of transmission or storage of information on the Internet.

Implementation of user rights

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, users have the following rights, which they may exercise by sending their request to the following address

The right to withdraw consent at any time. Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of their data and to limit or oppose its processing. The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority ( if you consider that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.

11. Applicable legislation

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile.

Ms Lola Spanish © 2023